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Sales Academy

Sales goals are rising year after year, yet the financial resources to meet these goals may be dropping. Revenue streams are under pressure, and you’re concerned that your team won’t meet their targets this year. Sound familiar?

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Sales goals are rising year after year, yet the financial resources that you’re allocated to try and meet these goals may be dropping. Revenue streams are under pressure, and you’re naturally concerned that your team won’t meet their targets this year. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many leaders are beginning to think more closely about how to create a truly sales efficient organisation.

Sales people naturally have a tendency to prioritise the tasks that they like, procrastinating over other tasks which may limit productivity. To overcome and combat these new challenges and improve results, it’s important to assess, align, and train your sales team to achieve maximum performance at every level.

One of the best methods for achieving this is through an in-company Sales Academy, which brings multiple people from the organisation together. This can enable different members of the business to collaborate to identify key drivers, to better understand the bigger picture and match behaviors and processes with the ultimate goals of the organisation, and build a solid foundation that ensures everyone’s on the same page.

Our approach

Identify Goals and Drivers

  • Align on business goals that need to be achieved
  • Identify success critical situations (moments of truth)
  • Carve out which behaviors your people need to show in these moments of truth

Conduct Gap analysis

  • Identify key gaps between ideal and current behavior
  • Clearly define associated development goals
  • Specify training goals per target group

Co-design the various programs of the Academy

  • Determine approach and toolset to be used to equip your sales teams with the required skills
  • Create a competency model for the commercial force
  • Identify suitable Krauthammer training modules and adapt to your specific situation
  • Design impactful learning paths combining both digital and classical elements

Pilot and Deliver results

  • Roll-out programs towards first pilot groups
  • Train leaders and managers to ensure optimal coaching on the job
  • Conduct monthly progress meetings to finetune programs
  • Build a performance framework to track progress and ROI

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