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Advanced Value Selling

Next level tools and concepts for maximum sales effectiveness. Adding value by selling a good solution is one. But it is only truly 'next level' if you can offer your client a unique and fully customer-specific value proposition.

  • 4 months
  • 4 days
  • Dutch, French

Adding value by selling a good solution is one. But it is only truly 'next level' if you can offer your client a unique and fully customer-specific value proposition. The impact of this way of selling is enormous. The customer sees you as a trusted advisor and he knows exactly how your value proposition contributes to realizing the ambitions of his organization. This means that your proposition is of strategic value, which guarantees a long, competition-proof cooperation with the customer.

We are convinced that only sales that have been achieved in this way lead to long-lasting results and customer loyalty. Future sales success requires an under the skin approach and intensive collaboration with the customer.

To act on this level of commercial professionalism, you as an account manager have to be able to set up a dynamic and interactive sales / consultancy process. All this forms the basis of a distinctive and customer-specific proposition in which the unique value for the customer is quantified and substantiated with evidence.

For who?

This program is suitable for commercial professionals who have mastered the basic skills and already have a lot of 'sales miles' because you have 4-40 years of commercial experience.

After completing the training you can

For you personally: a higher conversion ratio, lower sales costs in terms of time, effort and financially, your sales results and your margin will increase. You will become a member of a select group of commercial professionals.

For your organization: increase in market share, share of wallet, turnover figures, margin, and customer satisfaction through an effective focus on opportunities that are of great value. Participating account managers have a higher professional standard and sales efficiency through the use of key skill, mind and tool sets.


  • Making the right choices for growth.
  • Gaining style flexibility
  • Managing the sales process deliberately to secure progress
  • Mastering the fundamentals of connecting communication
  • Transforming your customers into proactive lead generators
  • Qualifying first!; to optimize your usage of scarce resources (time)
  • Differentiating ourselves by communicating value
  • Generating meetings as the first step towards new business
  • Reporting on results achieved
  • Creating the incentive to buy
  • Knowing your customer
  • Developing the customers’ business case 1- Taking a holistic outside-in perspective
  • Developing the customers’ business case 2- Understanding the customer’s reasons and desire to change
    Developing the customers’ business case 3- Gaining insight into the playing field
  • Creating a compelling Value Proposition with your customer that makes the difference
  • Running effective sales meetings
  • Reporting on results achieved.
  • Having the choice for positive impact.
  • Mastering the art of neuro-communication in sales.
  • Presenting a compelling offer.
  • Mobilizing allies in negotiations.
  • Closing the deal 1- Knowing how to close.
  • Closing the deal 2- Handling objections in order to close.
  • Closing the deal 3- Becoming a true business partner.
  • Influencing internally for real commitment to deliver beyond expectation.
  • Reporting on results achieved.
  • Managing the account to grow the business.
  • Demonstrating your personal added value with new insights / solutions proactively.
  • Activating our networks to generate leads.

Learning Tools

  • The most important point to profit from the learning journey: apply your learnings!
  • Action plans are defined already in the training room to allow the participant to evaluate his progress against his own standards in daily life
  • In a one-to-one meeting, the participant and their manager discuss and define the goals to be reached with this training
  • Only if the participant knows what the manager and the employer is expecting from him, they can work towards the expected results
  • Lively, interactive training days are the backbone of the learning journey.
  • Positive confrontation and feedback stimulate to change the behavior.
  • Interaction within the group allows to learn from peers in a safe yet challenging environment
  • Smart and easily accessible reminders of key lessons learned.
  • Customisation possible.
  • Online survey which gives participants a clear view on the impact of their own behaviors.
  • Gets stakeholders around the participant involved in the learning journey.
  • Creates favorable conditions to give and receive feedback.

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Inspiring locations

Kasteel De Hooge Vuursche (Koetshuis)
Hilversumsestraatweg 14
3744 KC Baarn

Training days
Nov 1, 2024
Dec 6, 2024
Jan 10, 2025
Feb 7, 2025


EUR 4499 (excl. VAT)